Insights and Beyond

Insights and Beyond

Digitalization I Sustainability I Technology

No Real Sustainability Without Supply Chain Consideration!

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Sustainability in business is becoming increasingly important – within the supply chain and throughout the entire product life cycle. Could energy consumption from new technologies be higher than the potential savings? Is it even possible for large corporations to be completely transparent about their sustainability efforts?

In this episode, we talk to Claudia Altenrath, Head of Sustainability Management at Vaillant Group, about a sustainable product life cycle and the implications for suppliers.

Prof. Dr. Konrad Saur, Vice President Innovation & Technology at Trelleborg Sealing Solutions, also shares insights regarding what technological challenges exist to be able to support sustainability.

Discover more about these issues in the latest episode of Insights and Beyond – the podcast from Trelleborg Sealing Solutions.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Opportunity or Threat for Climate-Neutral Companies?

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With our guest, Dr. Angelika Schmid, Senior Data Scientist at IBM, we look into the question of how AI can help us to manage the current and future challenges of climate change.

Dr. Johannes Kunze von Bischhoffshausen, Director Digital Transformation at Trelleborg Sealing Solutions, takes us into the industrial world and gives us an insight into how AI can help us to meet the challenges of climate change.
This is not just about logistics, but also about two other - very important - areas.

Besides the connection between AI and sustainability, we talk about "easy" steps to introduce an AI project and whether design thinking workshops can be helpful for this.

We also review the thesis: "The Internet of Things (IoT) will exist sooner and more successfully than the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)."

Be curious of what insights can be gained from this episode and where Trelleborg's engine room of digitalization is heading.

Artificial Intelligence Needs a Common Language

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In this episode we talk with our guest, Dr. Sven J. Körner, CEO & Founder of thingsTHINKING, about semantic AI technology. FORBES magazine describes the young company as "brains with artificial intelligence". Most recently, they were awarded the distinction of "AI Champion Baden-Württemberg".

Sven Körner reveals the 1st rule of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and gives us an insight into exactly how semantic AI works and how AI can understand us correctly.

Dr. Johannes Kunze von Bischhoffshausen, Director Digital Transformation at Trelleborg Sealing Solutions discusses how artificial intelligence can enable new business models and business fields for companies.

We also talk about major AI trends such as lingual word embedding and transfer learning – and how realistic this concept really is.

Discover more in this episode of Insights and Beyond – the podcast from Trelleborg Sealing Solutions.

The Future of eMobility

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In the second part of our podcast with Christoph Ulusoy, CEO & Founder of eVehicle for you, we talk about how sustainable, convenient mobility could look; which role electrification plays in this process and which technologies are currently missing to achieve this vision.

We look into the question whether eMobility makes sense technologically, but is far too inconvenient for everyday life to catch on. Where do we need to start rethinking: design of roads, connectivity of infrastructure and road users...? What other changes in consumer attitudes and behavior are needed? Also – is it possible for everyone to charge an eVehicle where they live, or at least nearby?

We also talk to Axel Weimann, Regional Director Automotive Europe & Director Global Segment Automotive, Trucks & Transportation at Trelleborg Sealing Solutions, about the biggest challenges and opportunities in working with manufacturers on eMobility – and why the term "refuel" may soon no longer exist.

Discover more about these issues in this episode of Insights and Beyond – the podcast from Trelleborg Sealing Solutions.

eMobility – A revolution begins…

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1.4 million battery powered and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles were registered in Europe in 2020 – evidence that a real boom is being experienced in this area.

But how good are electric vehicles really in terms of efficiency and sustainability? Christoph Ulusoy, CEO & Founder of eVehicle for you GmbH, talks about the current status and whether battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are a viable alternative to the combustion engine.

Axel Weimann, General Manager at Trelleborg Sealing Solutions reveals what and how much is based on beliefs – and what OEM's are really focusing on.

Of course, the new development of the Frauenhofer Institute – the Power Paste – could not be missed in this episode. Can such innovations make the e-lead void?

We also explore the question of whether the price of an electric car is higher than that of a combustion engine. Myth or truth?

And what exactly does "back to the roots" have to do with range?

Discover more about these issues in this episode of Insights and Beyond – the podcast from Trelleborg Sealing Solutions.

Digitalization & Sustainability – A Contradiction?

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According to the World Economic Forum and Boston Consulting Group, the number of CO2 neutral operations doubled in 2020. Prof. Dr. Konrad Saur, Vice President Innovation & Technology at Trelleborg Sealing Solutions, shares insights regarding Trelleborg’s own climate target, "50 by 25", including:

- How Trelleborg are approaching the challenge
- What the roadmap looks like
- How production processes can be changed

Prof. Dr. Will Ritzrau, Professor for Digital Business Management & Sustainability at University Fresenius, also discusses whether digitalization and sustainability are a contradiction!

Through his experience as Director Sustainability at SAP, he shares insight on how sustainable processes were implemented and how employees can be motivated to think and act sustainably.

We also discuss the CO2 tax - introduced for consumers in Germany in January 2021, and explore the question of whether small companies can act sustainably.

Discover more about these issues in this episode of Insights and Beyond – the podcast from Trelleborg Sealing Solutions.

Where Does Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stand in Industry Today?

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly important. However, many businesses are still not able to demonstrate added value from AI projects – very often remaining in their infancy stage. What are the reasons behind this? Where do businesses generally stand with AI and digitalization – and what role does the general data protection regulations have in this case? Are cultural changes necessary – and how can these be implemented? Should AI concern those involved in corporate strategy – or should it be left to the IT nerds… These questions and more will be discussed in our latest podcast episode.

Without recycling of resources – no sustainable eMobility!

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If eMobility is to represent a clean alternative to combustion engines, recycling of resources is essential. In addition to resource conservation, the provision of clean, environmentally friendly energy is a central issue. In the course of electrification, appropriate solutions must be found accordingly, which consequently also involves the creation of a new holistic ecosystem.

Is eMobility the only solution? When will solid state batteries be available? Are the materials needed to produce sufficient solutions sustainable?
These issues and much more will be discussed in this episode.

eMobility is at the forefront of discussion...

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...but how sustainable is the electricity that is consumed and what ranges are required?
The biggest revolution in the automotive industry in recent decades is leaving its mark on manufacturers and suppliers as well as on politicians and the general population. In many discussions, technical limitations compared to the combustion engine are being introduced just as much as the associated changes in the behavior of drivers. This leads to new challenges for all stakeholders.

Will AI singularity make our world a fair world?

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Digitalization and artificial intelligence (AI) in particular must be tailored to the industry to create sustainable customer benefits. It requires a strategy at the management level, but also a culture of experimentation. An "Open Innovation" approach, in which customers, research institutions, suppliers and high-tech start-ups are involved, is promising the greatest success.

About this podcast

Will electric vehicle ownership really be adopted by the masses?
Can Artificial Intelligence learn to become ethical?
Are current working environments sustainable?

Sarah Yvonne Elsser, moderator and editor with a passion for technology, talks to Trelleborg Sealing Solutions experts and guests from business, industry and research about current social and technological trends affecting the polymer industry including digitalization, electrification and sustainability.

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by Digitalization I Sustainability I Technology (Trelleborg Sealing Solutions)


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